“The Joy of Your True Self” is a personal growth series that will take you on a journey to internalize seven transformational ways of life. These pathways form a time tested Torah formula for the body to be sanctified by the light of the soul so that you live a life of serenity, gratitude and compassion. 

The series is based on Judaism’s affirmation that human beings are made up of a soul and a body. The soul is a spark of the divine that beats in the heart of every human being. The soul is blessed with wisdom and shines with serenity, courage and self-acceptance. The soul is undamaged by traumatic experiences and stronger than difficult situations. The soul is your most authentic self. 

The body initially resists the call of the soul however with effort and persistence the body becomes receptive to the soul and delights in having a relationship with Hashem and in emulating his good ways.


“The Joy of Your True Self” is streamed live online weekly and can be joined anytime. Video and audio recordings of all classes are posted on our member’s only webpage. The series can be joined anytime for 7 dollars a month

Men’s class takes place every Wednesday at 9:15pm EST .

Women’s class takes place every Sunday at 9:30am EST

Class for the nations of the world takes place every Tuesday at 9:15pm EST

Register today and treat yourself to a series that is relevant, inspiring and transformational.

For a video overview of “The Joy of Your True Self” click here

The video overview is three minutes and thirty one seconds

For a summary of the seven ways click here

A path for all human beings

The wisdom of the Torah lights the way for all humanity.

Jewish Self Discovery offers a special version of “The Joy of Your True Self” series adapted specifically for the nations of the world. This series also highlights the connection between the 7 MIDDOS and the Seven Noahide commandments

“The Joy of Your True Self” is a Torah inspired path to awaken all people to the gift of their divine Soul

“The Joy of Your True Self” for the nations is streamed live every Thursday 9:15PM EST. Recordings are posted in audio and video on our member’s only page. The series can be joined anytime for $7 a month